Peace Rangimarie
We believe that peace in the world begins with peace in our lives. We nurture caring relationships with and between the children and encourage peaceful problem solving. We strive for justice and unity.
Respect Manaaki
We believe that everyone has the right to be treated with fairness and respect, so we nurture a caring, inclusive environment in which culture and diversity are celebrated. We encourage the children to take responsibility for themselves, each other, the earth and all living things.
Empowerment Whakamana
We believe that to learn and grow to their full potential, children need to be happy, healthy and safe. We want every child to be proud of who they are and what makes them unique. We are all teachers and learners within this community.
Wonder Mīharo
Children are energised by their passions and their desire to gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. We nurture their natural curiosity and urge to explore, by allowing children time to wonder, notice and reflect, making meaning as they play.